Reviewing movies and series since 2012



This movie was directed in 2011 by Scott Charles Steward and tells the story of a priest who disobeys church law to track down the vampires who kidnapped his daughter. 
It stars Paul Bettany - who also played Michael in the movie Legion [2009] - in the leading role; Cam Giganet as Hicks and Maggie Q as Priestess. 

There's nothing much to say about the movie. It's an action movie with a strange view on religion that has the pretension of being critic with the religious autocracy; very similar to Legion

The disign of the city is chaotic and ugly, whereas the country around the city is a dessert. All is dominated by the color brown, black and grey. 

The vampires are in this movie a completly different species that's hunted down by priests - which are humans with special powers of speed, strength and precision. They're rather ugly and slimy and nasty looking, eliminating all the beauty of the mythological creature.

The plot of the movie is predictible and stupid. The reasons given by the Priests bosses seem weak, a mere excuse for making the guy a fugitive. The action scenes are a little bit exagerated, but not too much, so they're still enjoyable. 


All in all it's not that bad. But if you want to watch a religious themed movie, go and check Legion out. It has the same main actor, angels with wings, better designed fiends, and a somewhat better plot and dialogues - not a lot better, but still... 

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