Reviewing movies and series since 2012



Directed by Gerald McMorrow in 2008, this movie is a split narrative set simultaneously in contemporary London and in a future metropolis ruled by religious fervor. It's the story of four lost souls, divided by two parallel worlds, on course for an explosive collision when a single bullet will decide all their fates.  Starring Ryan Phillippe, Sam Riley, Bernard Hill and Eva Green.

I really love this movie. It starts off as four unrealted stories that have little to do with each other. One can connect two of those - Eva and Sam's stories because they've crossed paths once or twice, but Ryan Phillippe's and Bernard Hill's stories are completly unrelated, the second once moreso, as it's set in a dark steampunkish world. Yet the action developes in such a way, that at the ending one understands completly the relation between all of them. 

The script has some very very good scenes in it. This is a movie made so that the viewer thinks and reflects over what happens to every character. It's very rich in character developement and every one of them turns out to be really interesting. 

The future world is a very crude view of the modern world pushed to the extreme. I love how McMorrow uses the religion to criticise the void in the modern world in which everything can be named god. "These days, you can form a congregation simply based on washing-machine instructions." It has also a very cool light - all in dark brown gold and black. 

I don't really like the one used in the present London, but the other one is melancholic and nearly clasic, very beautiful.  


I can't recommend this movie enough. It's not only a ferocious critic to the actual society, but as also some very nice action scenes, a big explosion and a very good script. 

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