Reviewing movies and series since 2012


Snow White: A Deadly Summer

Released in 2012 and directed by David DeCoteau, this movie tells the story of a troublesome teenager who is sent to a disciplinary camp by her evil stepmother. Once there she has to discover who's killing all of her fellow campers before the killer kills her. 
Starring Shanley Caswel, Maureen McCormick and Eric Roberts, Snow White: A Deadly Summer actualices the classic tale of Snow White giving it a 'horror' touch. 

There's no doubt that this is a B movie without great ambitions other than to entertain the viewer in an hour and a half. The tale is acctually coherently set into an actual context, taking the recent news about abuses in some american disciplinary camps. It also makes an effort to put in all the simbology of the traditional tale. 

I think that the main problem with this film is the ending, with a mayor 'plot device' in the last five minutes. Other than that the script is pretty consisten and not badly acted. The characters, even without a very extended developement - as is usual for this sort of movie - are somewhat round. 

Another problem is the ilumination of the main character's house. As I said in my Neverland review, the ilumination is what gives essence to a movie; what differentiates  the video of your vacation in Albuquerque from a super-production. The ilumination of the main character's house resembles more the video of your vacation in Albuquerque. The ilumination of the rest of the movie improves a little bit, but not a lot. 

As a curiosity: the main actress, Shanley Caswel - who could do a much better work - has a keen resemblance to Kristen Stewart.
All in all, this is an entertaining horror movie without any pretenses and with less horror. The actors could be better, but they're not all that bad and the references are well hidden. 

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