Directed in 2006 by Kurt Wimmer, this action movie tells the story of a beautiful hemophage infected with a virus that gives her superhuman powers who has to protect a boy, who's thought to be carrying antigens that would destroy akk heophages.
It stars Milla Jovovich as Violet, Cameron Bright as the boy called Six, and William Fichtner as a nerdy scientist called Garth.
So, let's begin with the review:
Those of you who have been reading my blog so far surely know that I'm not all that picky with the movies I watch. I believe that there's a moment in which nearly every movie can be entertaining. I don't say good, I say entertaining. Because that's what movies are there for: to ease you into a new world, troubles that have little to do with you, action and fantasy and whatever. There's a good moment to watch nearly everything if you're in the right mood.
I can't think of a mood in which you would like to inflict this movie upon your brain.
The acting is crap. Pure and total crap. The onlyone that can be saved - if barely - is William Fichtner, who's cute, nice and has about 2 minutes of screentime. I mean, come on! MIlla Jovovich did an amaizing job in The Fifth Element, kicked ass in the Resident Evil saga.. Hell, she did even do a good job in the Three Musketeers! What went wrong here? The child is also awfull. I usually don't like movies with child, but this one couldn't even act!
So, if the acting sucks, maybe a movie can be saved by either the story or the looks. The story is... non-existent. Well, I'm lying here, it does exist, but it's just some thin and translucent excuse to make Violet run around showing her flat belly and wielding a sword.
Good, usually people wielding swords can safe a movie. Take Thor as an example. The story sucks, but he runs around with a hammer and you have some fun watching him getting hit time and time again by Natalie Portman... After 0.3 seconds of Ultraviolet you grow to hate the swordwielding. The visual effects are computer generated. If you're going to say that there are a lot of good movies - a lot of really good series - with computer-generated graphics, and that those are really good, I agree. The trouble is not that they are computer generated. It's that you can see the computer doing it. It's really badly done, so that you can't believe one second of it. And the action scenes are so paste together that they loose all their flow and just seem fake.
One of the most impressive sequences, in which Violet jumps from a building and throws the motorcycle she's driving into an helicopter, has far more effect in P!nk's videoclip "There you go", released in 2002.
There's one last thing that drives me mad in this movie and if somebody has read the comics, watched the series or just knows, I'd be really grateful: what's the matter with A) Violet's hair and B)Violet's clothing. Why does it change shape and collors? Where the writers so laizy they couldn't decide in one hair collor... or a motive for it's magically changing.
And the hint towards the Clockworck Orange is ridiculous and out of place, that movie is good, this one shouldn't even try to remind you about it, it only manages to drag it further down. Sorry, but somebody had to say it.
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So, if you where considering watching this. I don't think you want anymore. It's not even good as background noise. You see this on TV and change channels. It will spare you a an hour and a half you can use doing anything else.
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